Monday, December 16, 2013

There is an immense need to change the way the public views dental work.We as dentists must take to our responsibilities the task of  transforming the way the public experience dental treatments.
Luxury in Dentistry.More people are going beyond "traditional dentistry".A patient is catching up with her favorite  TV program while going through teeth whitening.No pain, no drilling , 
and instant results.Pamper yourself at Dental SPA and get a white teeth for this summer


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Teeth whitening

There are 2 methods to choose from

1) In Office: It is a light enhanced technique done in clinic. It saves lots of time for the patient since the result is instant. Excellent option for busy people who want the result same day.

2) At home: The patient put the whitening gel himself at home in a pre- fabricated customized trays.It takes up to 21 days to get the final result.

Before doing any of them ,Dentist must check your teeth to observe any decays,stains and exposed dentin. This determines if there is potential sensitivity,treatment duration and expected result.

The procedure for:
1) In office: A whitening gel is applied to your teeth .Photos  of before situation are taken to compare the effectiveness after the treatment. Gum and lips are protected  and a coat of hydrogen peroxide is applied on teeth for 20 minutes to be removed for another coat since hydrogen peroxide gets deactivated in max 30 mins. Up to 4 coats can be applied depending on each situation.
2) At home: Two whitening trays are delivered to the patient for use at home. A whitening gel is given to be applied home.The whitening gel  can be applied for 30 minutes  every night before bedtime up to 21 days.

Now to get the best result, I use my own protocol in my practice. Most of the time the two techniques are recommended. I always ask the patient to keep the at home trays for later touch ups(maintenance). Touch ups differ from case to case.It could be every 6 months or every one year. It depends on each patient situation and life style.
Pictures are for real patient of mine

Disclaimer:This procedure should be done under the observation of a specialist. Don't try to do the above mentioned procedure at home alone. I take no responsibility for any misuse or misunderstanding. Always contact your dentist for any medical use or advise.

Contact info:
                       tel 00961 7 754991

Thursday, January 24, 2013

what are minimal invasive burs?

To give you a glimpse about minimal invasive burs, I will first explain the concept. Nowadays, tooth preparation techniques are totally different. In the presence of bonding materials,no need anymore to prepare tooth tissue according to Black classification.
Minimal invasive dentistry is gentle and conservative when it comes to removing carious lesions. You only remove soft pigmented dentin that does not sound. In class one,you prep teeth following carious fissures and pits only.You use the smallest bur available that can remove that carious spot and still respect anatomy.In figure 1, you see a set of burs used for minimal invasive preparations in my practice when treating carious lesions.
                                                                   Figure 1

Companies have shifted towards being  conservative by producing a whole line of burs dedicated towards minimal invasive tooth preparation. SHOFU for example included a whole section of minimal invasive burs with clear demonstrative illustrations Figure 2,3,4,5&6

                                                                        Figure 2
                                                                 Figure 3
                                                                         Figure 4
                                                                    Figure 5
                                                                         Figure 6

Finishing or just beveling the prepared sites, you can use a set of fine small finishing burs specifically selected to  just round any sharp edges left after preparation.These same burs can be used for finishing the composite after placement.In Figure 7, 8&9 you can see a set of finishing burs from German company Schezer used in my practice for this purpose.

                                                                              Figure 7
                                                                       Figure 8

                                                                   Figure 9