Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Smile Makeover procedure

Smile makeover procedure combines several steps such as whitening discolored teeth, straightening teeth, repairing chipped teeth,recontouring gum and closing gaps between teeth. This could be done through veneers or all ceramic crowns. Cosmetic dentist appraoches each case individually. The first step is a consultation with the patient to agree about the result expected to be achieved. After that a model of patient's teeth is taken to design the future smile. In this process, digital and high tech tools are used to help in achieving the best result.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Restore your smile with Empress Veneers

A perfect smile does not have to exist only in your dreams.You can achieve a sparkling amazing smile by consulting a cosmetic dentist.
IPS Empress can be used for all types of anterior teeth defects. We use them to whiten teeth, close gaps between teeth, and draw a perect smile. Empress veneers are thin ceramic/porcelain shells from Ivoclar Vivadent.
Empress restoration is an ideal alternative to metallic corwns. They look more natural and have an adequate durability.
Empress Veneers have great benefits. They do not cause wear to the opposing natural teeth, have natural translucent looking and biocompatible .

Friday, June 5, 2009

prep and minimal prep veneers

Today, I am going to talk a little bit about minimum prep veneers.At the end, I will highlight on the advantages or disadvantages if there is any of prep veneers.
First steps are pretty much similar to the no prep veneers. We take an impression of the teeth,send it to the laboratory technician for diagnostic wax- up and prep models fabrication. These two guides help us decide
where are we going to finish up our gingival limit as well as how much are we going to reduce the tissue from the outer surface of the teeth. Usually, the laboratory technician should mark the teeth on model to show us how much we should reduce the tissue to achieve the best result. If we make a putty matrix of the diagnostic wax-up and put it over the prepped teeth, we can see how thin the veneers are and how much we can take off tissue out of the facial surface. In minimum prep veneers. we eliminate tooth sensitivity if we stay within the enamel layer.
Now after preparation, we make a putty matrix if we did not make one yet on the wax-up model to make the temporary veneers from Bis-acrylic material( LUXATEMP) from Zenith DMG. Without removing them, we polish and finish. After we receive the final veneers from the laboratory, we remove the temporaries and put the final veneers.
If we compare no prep veneers with prep veneers, we can see that prep veneers give us more room for color masking. They have a flatter profile and natural contour. We can avoid post prep sensitivity in prep veneers if we stay as much as possible within the enamel layer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Non prep veneers Vs prep veneers

In this post, I will talk about no prep veneers. At the end, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this modality.

No prep veneers protocol:

  1. take polyvinyl siloxane impression without any preparation of the teeth

  2. send the impression to laboratory for veneers fabrication.

  3. When veneers are sent back from laboratory, no cord packing is necessary under gingiva since the margin of no prep veneers can be left at the gingival level or slightly under gingiva in order not to see the junction between the veneer and the tooth tissue. In order to achieve this goal, we can use materials like magic foam cord or Expasyl from (Kerr).

  4. Try in veneers using translucent shade adhesive bond

  5. Before permanent cementation, we clean teeth with pumice (preppies)

  6. Clean and dry very well before final cementation

  7. Acid etch all facial and incisal edge . We will have the strongest bond with no prep veneers since it is totally on enamel and no dentin bonding is needed.

  8. rinse etchant and dry the field. You should see frosty enamel surface

  9. We apply unfilled resin enamel bond with applicators, and then thin it with air.
  10. First we place the first central incisors then lateral and cuspids on each side.Lastly we place the bicuspids on each side.
  11. We cure the central incisor for 2 sec until jelly stage is formed so we can clean around the excessive cement around the gingival margin.
  12. We use this technique to avoid hurting the porcelain as in after total curing of the cement
  13. Floss between the interproximal surfaces of the central incisors. If floss does not go through, then we use serrated strips ( Axis), with safe sides to remove excessive cement between teeth.
  14. we perform the rest of curing on facial and lingual side if we wrap the incisal edge.
  15. we use scalpel blade#12 to go through the gingival margin and remove any little chunks left under the gingival sulcus that we were not able to remove with an explorer. we can use a carbide bur to go through under margin but the bur should not be spinning. This is another way to remove the cement without hurting or removing porcelain.
  16. Later, we use football carbide bur # 7408 to blend the veneers with the tooth tissue.
  17. We can use brownies from (Shofu), and run it on a handpeice as low as 13000 rpm to remove cement only without hurting the porcelain.

Advantages and disadvantages of No prep veneers:

It is an excellent option for people who has certain criteria. No prep veneers are done without anaesthetic shots. Moreover, we don not need to drill or remove any tooth structure.If patients criteria is not to remove any tooth tissue, then non prep veneers is the best option.On the other hand, If patient ask for perfection regarding tooth shape and size, prep veneers is the best option since non prep veneers will look a little bit bulkier.