Thursday, January 24, 2013

what are minimal invasive burs?

To give you a glimpse about minimal invasive burs, I will first explain the concept. Nowadays, tooth preparation techniques are totally different. In the presence of bonding materials,no need anymore to prepare tooth tissue according to Black classification.
Minimal invasive dentistry is gentle and conservative when it comes to removing carious lesions. You only remove soft pigmented dentin that does not sound. In class one,you prep teeth following carious fissures and pits only.You use the smallest bur available that can remove that carious spot and still respect anatomy.In figure 1, you see a set of burs used for minimal invasive preparations in my practice when treating carious lesions.
                                                                   Figure 1

Companies have shifted towards being  conservative by producing a whole line of burs dedicated towards minimal invasive tooth preparation. SHOFU for example included a whole section of minimal invasive burs with clear demonstrative illustrations Figure 2,3,4,5&6

                                                                        Figure 2
                                                                 Figure 3
                                                                         Figure 4
                                                                    Figure 5
                                                                         Figure 6

Finishing or just beveling the prepared sites, you can use a set of fine small finishing burs specifically selected to  just round any sharp edges left after preparation.These same burs can be used for finishing the composite after placement.In Figure 7, 8&9 you can see a set of finishing burs from German company Schezer used in my practice for this purpose.

                                                                              Figure 7
                                                                       Figure 8

                                                                   Figure 9