Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fluoride treatment

Fluoride treatment can reduce caries in children and adults.
There are many Types of fluoride treatments, we will take about topical method.
Topical fluoride application includes either sodium fluoride NaF or Acidulated phosphate fluoride APF.
Sodium fluoride comes in a solution, gel or foam forms of 2 % . It is also available in varnish of 5 % . Acidulated phosphate fluoride comes in a solution, gel or foam of 1.23%.
APF is the preferred topical application over NaF, however it is avoided when patient has cosmetic restorations as it may cause some pitting.

Fluoride application techniques:
1- paint-on-method: not for gel or foam forms to avoid fluoride ingestion.
2- tray technique for gel or foam forms; 2 ml for children & 5 ml for adults.
In both techniques, dry teeth before & after with 2*2 gauze.
No drinking or eating for 30 min after procedure.

3- fluoride varnish application: safe and durable. Most effective technique to use on children.

Optimal level of fluoride in drinking water is 0.7mg/ L .

Ingestion of extra fluoride is toxic.
Certainly lethal dose in adults is 5 to 10 grams of sodium fluoride taken at one time. It is between 0.5-1g in children depending on size and weight.
Signs of toxicity begin to appear after 30 min of ingestion.
Emergency treatment : induce vomiting by stimulating back of throat or by Ipecac syrup.
Giving calcium binding agent such as milk.

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